Release v3 and Code Analytics

I’m incredibly proud of my amazing team for working diligently and making fantastic progress over the past year. We are announcing our third product release and Git stats 🎉 We have put in a tremendous amount of work and the Code analytics and charts 📊 speak for themselves. Glossing over them will give you a great insight into our technical contributions. Can’t wait to see what the next 12 months will look like.

We’ve been fortunate to have received contributions from 10 exceptional engineers and technical leaders. 👩‍💻👨‍💻 We’ve established a workflow that enables us to consistently deliver improvements without disrupting progress. 📈In terms of code contributions, we’ve achieved a monumental milestone with approximately 200,000 lines of code written! 😱 This is a massive effort from every single person on the team. We’ve committed 1783 individual commits – each one improving the functionality, security, or usability of the product. Additionally, we’ve merged 365 pull requests into the mainline codebase, all of which went through thorough, professional code reviews to ensure the highest level of quality. This process has allowed us to maintain a well-organized and secure codebase that’s scalable and efficient. 🔥

Release Timeline: 

We have released three major releases of our product so far:

➡️ v1.0.beta.1 – September 19, 2024
➡️ v1.0.beta.2 – November 21, 2024
➡️ v1.0.beta.3 – February 7th, 2025

These latest couple of releases have a gamut of updates – Security Enhancements, Database updates, Github/Cloud Integration updates, Subscription Management, Workflow automations, AI/ML and LLM enhancements and several bug fixes

Charts and Statistics:

The charts 📊 shows the weekly lines added and deleted, commits and pull requests across all the repositories. We haven’t included the initial setup done in the early growth phase where the team set up the foundation (in order to normalize the rest of the year’s contributions). Once we were in full swing, contributions became more consistent with a few spikes in the summer as interns joined the team. 🌞 These spikes brought a surge of fresh perspectives and energy, propelling us forward. Since the fall, we’ve seen a steady flow of improvements and optimizations.

We have constantly kept up with the quality and organization of the code and hence you see several deletions throughout the year as well. These were necessary to reduce code churn and increase code re-usability. We have adhered to code review processes that are necessary to ensure code quality and keep us free of vulnerabilities. Did I already mention we’re a security-first company? 🔐 Security isn’t just a feature for us – it’s part of our DNA.

Thanks to this rigorous review process, the number of pull requests and commits align perfectly. We’ve stuck to best practices, following Agile methodologies and key principles of Software Engineering. This has allowed us to remain efficient while delivering quality at every step. Keep an eye out for a future blog where we’ll dive deeper into our development processes and share some insights into how we use Agile to keep everything running smoothly. Head over to our products page for all the details and see firsthand how these updates can benefit you. If you’re curious about the technical side of things, we’d be happy to walk you through it. Simply book a demo 💬📅 with us or sign up to start using the product!

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